Everytime the user spins the game wheel, they will have 30 seconds to answer a question in the category that lands on the spin dial.
Questions can be inserted in the game database in bulk by uploading an excel sheet. We recommend to upload at least a 100 questions in each category that can be in any of the following question types:
True and False Questions

Typical 4 answers MCQ (recommended)

Other MCQ formats
It is also possible to add MCQ’s with 3, 5, or even 6 answer choices to the database, In these cases the user may have to scroll down to view all the answers depending on the device they are using.

CTrivia is a learning and engagement tool your employees will love. They will spin the wheel and get a random question from a custom developed question bank based on your training material.
If a learner wants to know more about a certain category in the spin wheel, they can browse the associated “learning directory” containing PDF’s, and Video’s.
They will learn, compete, and have a lot of fun.