Depending on your corporate training material and the objective you set for your CTrivia game, you can decide on the number of categories in your spin wheel.

Currently CTrivia platform supports 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 category wheels. A two category wheel may look like this:

This classification is based on the difficulty of questions the learner will randomly get once they spin.
Another way of classification may depend on the functions in your organization. This is most useful in induction programs.

In this wheel the number of categories are 4, in addition to the choose category which will always be available in your CTrivia Wheel. The choose category will prompt the user to choose the category of questions he is ready to answer. It adds fun and excitement to the game and gives the learner some control over their learning.
CTrivia is a learning and engagement tool your employees will love. They will spin the wheel and get a random question from a custom developed question bank based on your training material.
If a learner wants to know more about a certain category in the spin wheel, they can browse the associated “learning directory” containing PDF’s, and Video’s.
They will learn, compete, and have a lot of fun.