You can set your preferred “Play Waiting Time” for each of your game wheels on CTrivia. Play waiting time is the time the user has to wait to refill his lives (tries) at spinning the game wheel.

Depending on how you will use the game and your target population you can set play waiting time to any period of time. Most of our clients set it at 8 hours to give learners a chance at playing the game again in the same day.
You may also want to set it at a very short time (i.e. 5 minutes) if you want to use the game during an event and you want to boost competition among the users.
CTrivia is a learning and engagement tool your employees will love. They will spin the wheel and get a random question from a custom developed question bank based on your training material.
If a learner wants to know more about a certain category in the spin wheel, they can browse the associated “learning directory” containing PDF’s, and Video’s.
They will learn, compete, and have a lot of fun.